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Make Sure Your Financial Planner Includes Life Insurance in your Portfolio

Make Sure Your Financial Planner Includes Life Insurance in your Portfolio

Far too many young couples today are bypassing the purchase of life insurance as an “expense” that they can’t afford right now. The most common objection to buying this investment in the future is that they are “too young” to worry about something as morbid as death benefits. Most young men feel that the time of their demise is too far away to be concerned about it. Young women tend to think more practically, but still put a call to a San Diego life insurance specialist at the bottom of their list.

During the recession, these same young couples would not even contact a financial advisor, never mind a life insurance representative. As we come out of those dark years, that is starting to change. Financial advisors are starting to see an increase in phone calls and email inquiries as the clouds start to clear and fear over financial risk is somewhat dispelled. There is still apprehension there. How could there not be? Many hard working families in San Diego faced foreclosure in recent years due to faulty financial vehicles and adjustable rate mortgages.

Those folks who lost homes won’t invest again for a while. It’s the new generation that financial advisors are targeting now, the twenty and thirty something year olds just getting started in life. If you are one of those, make sure you talk to your financial advisor about including life insurance in your portfolio. If he’s not licensed to sell it or doesn’t offer it for some inexplicable reason, contact us here at McCormick Inure and we’ll get you set up with the policy you need. As investments go, our San Diego life insurance policies are some of the lowest risk, highest yield investments you’ll find.

Picture a life insurance policy as akin to a savings account. It doesn’t work quite the same way, but the security and guarantee are very much the same. Pay into it on a monthly basis and you will get something in return back from it. Buy term life insurance and that payoff will be a death benefit that will help your family pay for funeral and living expenses in the event of your demise. Pay into a whole or universal life insurance policy and you’ll build cash value that will be part of your net worth, something you can cash in when you need it or borrow against.

Of course, the commissions for a financial advisor or broker aren’t as high with a life insurance policy as it is if he sells you stock or mutual funds. With those financial vehicles, he gets paid whether you make or lose money. The latter, unfortunately, happens far too often these days. Maybe you should just skip the financial advisor and come directly to us here at McCormick Insure. We’re easy to get in touch with. Use the form on our contact page or call us at 619-276-0492.

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