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Filing A Claim Correctly Can Save You Time And Money

Filing A Claim Correctly Can Save You Time And Money

We hope you never have an accident or loss.  But if you have a loss, knowing that your claim is covered by insurance will help.  That’s what San Diego Auto insurance is all about.  And, if you understand the claim filing process, you will find you will have fewer headaches and have your claim resolved much faster. Whether you’re a perfect driver, an international driver or an unlucky driver, look no further than McCormick Insurance in San Diego County. We’ve been serving Southern California for more than 30 years.

Here Are Some Tips To Help You File Your San Diego Auto Claim

Our agency is here to help you through the entire claim process.

  1. Always read your insurance policy so you know what is covered and what is not covered.
  2. If you are unsure if your claim is covered, it is always good to call our office, or talk to the insurance company.
  3. For auto accidents (depending on the damages), you may need to report the accident to the DMV.
  4. After the loss, you need to provide notification to the insurance company. This may be as simple as contacting our office or the company directly.
  5. Document as much as you can. If you are involved in an auto accident, take photos with your smart phone. Get as many witnesses as possible.
  6. You have an obligation to prevent further damage. For example, if you have roof damage you will need to patch the roof with plastic or other material to prevent any further water damage.
  7. Understand that the claim process will involve working with a number of people. Our office can help take some of the work off your plate, but you will have to talk to the adjuster at some point to review the claim and settlement.
  8. Before accepting any settlement, make sure you are satisfied with the amount.
  9. Remember, all losses will be subject to your deductible.
  10. Use our agency as your resource; we are here to help you manage the claim process.

At Wayne McCormick Insurance, our employees are committed to developing ongoing communication with our clients, and striving to exceed your expectations. You are not buying a product; you are managing your risk. Remember, insurance is not a product; it’s a promise and a trusted relationship.

Are you curious to know how you can save more by combining your auto and home insurance? (619) 276-0492. The Wayne McCormick Insurance team in San Diego is ready to serve you, and help you save up to 22% on your homeowners, condo or apartment building insurance




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