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How San Diego Drivers Can Be Safe in School Zones

back to school 183533 1280How San Diego Drivers Can Be Safe in School Zones

It is that time of year when millions of kids are heading back to the classroom. It also may be a good time to have us review your San Diego auto insurance. Having the correct San Diego auto insurance coverage and limits is very important in this litigious world.

Drive Safe In A School Zone

A school zone is any area near a school or crosswalk leading to a school. School zones typically have speed limits of between 15 and 25 mph, and fines for speeding in these areas are usually double.

Do Not Be A Distracted Driver

When you are driving, the condition of the roadway you are on, and the behavior of other drivers, can change abruptly leaving you little or no time to react.  When you are driving, follow these rules:

Are you curious to know how you can save more by combining your auto and home insurance? (619) 276-0492. The Wayne McCormick Insurance team in San Diego is ready to serve you, and help you save on your auto, homeowners, condo or apartment building insurance



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