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California Disaster Preparation

California offers many lifestyle advantages including; warm weather, access to lakes, camping, and the ocean. But as you know, there are also many risks of living in this region. Recently we have suffered major wildfires but also have the risk of flooding and earthquakes. We offer our clients with many different resources in order to help them recover from many different kinds of disasters. Something as simple as a house fire can be your personal disaster, but there are many different kinds of disasters that can impact your life.

There are actions you can take to help reduce the impact of the disaster on you and your family’s life. There are also personal insurance solutions that can provide the financial resources necessary during your recovery process.

San Diego Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance can cover many of the disasters that impact your life. A well-written homeowner’s insurance policy can cover damage caused by wildfire, fires, lightning strikes, theft, vandalism, windstorms, and hail. But, it’s essential to know that not all natural disasters are covered by homeowner’s insurance. For example, damage caused by earthquakes and floods is not typically covered by homeowner’s insurance.

insurance may help pay for repairs or replacement. If a guest is injured in or around the pool your homeowner’s insurance may also respond and cover any medical bills of the guest.

Coverage For Wildfires

A homeowner’s insurance policy typically covers loss and damage due to wildfires. Some insurance companies do not offer coverage in certain high-risk areas. Most homeowner’s insurance policies also cover fire department charges. Most homeowner’s policies will help pay up to a certain amount for service charges made by fire departments.

Homeowners who live in regions that have an increased chance of wildfires and brush fires will pay more for their homeowner’s insurance coverage because of the financial risk posed to the insurer.

Coverage For Earthquakes & Flooding

Your homeowner’s insurance policy does not cover loss or damage due to flooding, earthquake or earth movement. You will need a separate policy for that risk. Flooding and Earthquakes can cause considerable damage and loss of your home structures and personal property. Flooding and Earthquakes can also damage your homes foundations and collapse walls; even relatively mild tremors can cause loss damage to furnishings and other personal belongings.

Earthquake coverage is available from most private insurers and, in California, from the California Earthquake Authority (CEA). Coverage for your vehicles may be covered under the optional comprehensive coverage found in an auto insurance policy.

Flood insurance can be secured through the National Flood insurance program. We can help you obtain the coverage.

We recommend that every homeowner have earthquake insurance. Here are a few questions to ask yourself regarding your need for flood or earthquake coverage.

There are always things you can do to help minimize the loss and damage to your home and family before, during, and after a disaster. Here are a few ideas to help you get started

Wildfire Safety

When A Wildfire Gets Close

After A Wildfire

Dial (619) 276-0492 and the Wayne McCormick Insurance team will help you get comprehensive homeowners or renters policy that

Dial (619) 276-0492 and the Wayne McCormick Insurance team will help you get comprehensive homeowners or renters policy that

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