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Personal Insurance Products For Holiday Season

San Diego Insurance

Tis The Season

As we approach the holiday season, we thought it might be good to provide you with a few insurance tips on how to protect yourself and your family during this season. The holiday season usually sees an increase in homeowners and other personal types of accidents and claims. Here are a few examples.

Identity Theft Increases during November and December

With more online shopping identity thieves target online shoppers. Criminals access public Wi-Fi systems to hack into your computer and smartphone.

Identity Theft Prevention Tips

Common Insurance Claims During The Holiday Season


How To Mitigate Holiday Losses And Accidents


How Your Personal Insurance Can Protect You During The Holiday Season

Homeowners Insurance

A standard homeowner’s insurance policy can offer protection from many of the trips, spills, and holiday mishaps. If your home insurance is written properly it can offer insurance coverage for;

Some homeowner’s insurance can offer a limited amount of identity theft protection. We do recommend you consider identity theft insurance, which can protect your online identity.

 Renters or Condo Insurance

Renters insurance can also provide coverage during the holidays.

Auto Insurance

Auto insurance can provide coverage for you and your passengers while driving during the holiday season. There is a variety of different auto coverage options to suit different people, family situations, financial statuses and more. While state law requires certain coverages and minimum limits, most drivers should carry much higher limits to protect themselves and family should an accident take place. The primary coverages included the following:

Collision Coverage – Covers the costs of repairs or replacement of a vehicle in the event of an accident.

Comprehensive Coverage – Pays for the costs and damages associated with events such as engine fires, hail damage, hitting a deer and other damages not caused by a collision.

Bodily Injury Coverage – Provides financial compensation for injuries or death due to an auto accident, within the policy’s coverage limits.

Property Damage – Reimburses for damage to property, such as another vehicle, a fence, a building, and other types of features.

Personal Injury Protection or PIP – Because Kansas is a no-fault state, you are required to carry PIP coverage to pay for initial medical costs, any resulting disability, and other related costs.

Let us help you by providing a free, no obligation, auto insurance quote, including various coverage options to choose from. We’ll help you identify the right insurance policy, and the best insurance company, to financially protect your car, truck, and other passenger vehicles. Call or fill out our online insurance quote request tod

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