It’s critical to evaluate your personal insurance plan as 2023 approaches. A variety of life circumstances may impact your personal insurance. Having the appropriate personal insurance can be quite helpful if and when you need to file a claim. When was the last time you reviewed your personal insurance coverage? The New Year is a great time to review your personal insurance. Most of us know that major life events can make it necessary to update our insurance coverage. But did you know that even subtle changes can have an impact on your financial needs and plans? For a review of your insurance, kindly contact our office.
Start By Selecting An Agent
Agents do more than collect price quotes. Yes, we understand that cost is likely your concern. Who, after all, has extra funds for something they hope they will never use? But insurance agents have the training and experience to help you comprehend all the different things that could go wrong and why the cheapest option may not be the best.
An independent insurance agency represents you, the client, in locating the best coverage at the most affordable price. This may include your home, automobile, apartment, condominium, and business coverage. Insurance policies are not products that can be purchased from a store’s shelves, so “shopping” is not the most inclusive term.
Independent insurance agencies have access to various insurance carriers. Truly diversified agencies, such as ours, have relationships with multiple carriers. In addition, some of these insurers will only work with insurance purchasers through an agency. Therefore, if you shop for insurance on your own (which we do not recommend), you will miss out on some of the best options available today.
What Should Be Part of Your 2023 Personal Insurance Planning?
- Should I consider a personal umbrella policy?
- Is my home valued correctly?
- Do I have the right agent?
- Do I need to add or remove any drivers?
- Review my insurance to make sure I have the right coverage
- Take the time to read my insurance policies.
- Does my independent agent have all my correct information, including my new phone number, address, and newly purchased property?
- Make sure I have identity theft insurance.
A short meeting or call with your agent can determine if you have the personal insurance you need to protect your family.
Common Coverage For Homeowners
- Dwelling coverage
- Personal property
- Loss of use
- Personal Liability
- Earthquake and or flood
- Replacement cost
- Identity theft
- Coverage for jewelry, guns, and other collections
- Water or sewer line
Coverage To Be Considered For Personal Auto
- Liability
- Physical damage (collision)
- Medical payments
- Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage
- Personal injury protection
- Comprehensive coverage
Other Types Of Personal Auto Insurance
You may be able to add the following optional coverages to your car insurance policy, depending on your situation. Your insurance agent can help you understand what each helps cover, so you can put together a policy that’s right for you. Each person has individual needs and coverage can be designed to meet those needs.
- Rental reimbursement coverage/transportation expense coverage
- Gap coverage
- New car replacement coverage
- Towing and labor cost coverage
- Ride-sharing coverage
Curious to know how much you could be saving on San Diego Home Insurance?
- Compensates you for losses to your home and possessions
- Provides added security for your investment
- Extends your liability protection even further with an umbrella insurance policy
- Protects you if you’re legally liable for someone’s injuries on your property, as well as from financial losses caused by storms, fire, theft, and other events outlined in your policy
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