How does McCormick Insurance in San Diego Create Customer Loyalty?
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I was recently asked by one of our carrier partners, Explorer Insurance, to talk briefly about ways my agency creates customer loyalty.
Explorer Insurance, which is owned by the ICW Group Insurance Companies, has noticed that we have integrated the use of Social Media to communicate with our clients. A lot of insurance brokers across the country are already doing this too, but many have not yet set up a social network for their agencies.
We use many traditional methods of maintaining loyalty, but what I discuss in the video is how we use Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to interact with our customers and potential prospects.
While a lot of businesses are turning to social media as a means to communicate with their customers, I like to make the communication a more personal experience.
The advantage that smaller agencies have over what I call the “online companies” or “800 #’s” is that we have the means to deliver a very personal and intimate message to our clients – big companies simply don’t have a way of personalizing their message in the same way.
Yes, I do talk about auto insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance and surety bonds, but I try to keep it light because let’s face it, insurance isn’t necessarily the most exciting topic for most people.
When you connect with me on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn you are far more likely to read about the tri-tip I grilled that night or the insanely delicious tacos at Mama Testa’s that I just ate for lunch. I talk about Trojan football and complain when the San Diego Padres lose a game to a team they should have beaten. I might share a picture or story about one of my kids which most people can relate to.
The social networking experience has enabled me to keep my agency in front of my clients in a friendly way and I’ve gotten lots of referrals and made some great new friends along the way as well.
Please check out my brief video and afterwards feel free to join one or all of my Networks:
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